We see the baby pictures of ourselves and wonder. What happened to the beautiful set of hair I was born with? Well the answer is nothing happened to it it’s still there being covered up by either relaxers, chemicals or straight up damage.
There is hope though for you to retain the texture that you were born with. The first step is to understand and educate yourself on your daily routine that you’ve been using and find out exactly what’s in your product ingredients. Once you identify them the next step is to see if they’re harmful. You can check out many hair ingredients here: https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/ Then you an look for natural alternative ingredients that are less harsh for your hair. The last step is to start a healthy regime eliminating chemicals or heat and repeat until you start to see your new growth of natural hair. Once you do you should either clip your ends off depending on how fast you see new growth or go to a professional hair salon to do it for you This is the beginning of a journey you will be so happy you took along with seeing the natural hair you were born with. Make sure to follow us on Instagram @nealynaturals
credit: EWG- Environmental Working Group